Gantry cranes

Gantry cranes

762 gera

Suspension of lifting mechanisms is often a complex circumstance. So when a support point is required, we have the following solutions:

  • Overbraced
1 geranokolones
  • Underbraced
2 geranokolones
  • Overbraced
3 geranokolones
  • Underbraced
4 geranokolones
  • Fixed
5 geranokolones
  • Mobile
6 geranokolones

For more information on the above products, contact us.

Schilling cranes


The company was founded in the late 1970s. The first owner, Josef Fleischer, had the insight to see the need for the market for portable cranes and proved right, as his company grew year after year.

In 1999 the company was acquired by Martin Schilling, a mechanical engineer with extensive experience in construction sites and applications, who brought renewed air to the company, which was renamed under the name of its new owner.

Her business activity continued to grow and the range of products grew with her, something that Josef Fleischer continues to make the most of.

Schilling’s range of products includes:

  • Mobile gantry cranes
  • Fixed gantry cranes
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