Hygiene and Safety

Hygiene and Safety

The concept of hygiene in modern industry plays an increasingly important role as it contribute to prevent accidents and increase efficiency. Spanelas in partnership with New Pig, Holland, offers complete solutions for a workplace, clean, safe and productive.

Safe working at height requires certified and qualitative personal protection materials as well as know-how and experience in designing height safety systems. Spanelas, in collaboration with TRACTEL France, is able to study and install quality and efficient height safety systems and products.

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Spill containment and bulk cargo management

The concept of hygiene in modern industry plays an increasingly important role, as it contribute to prevent accidents and increase efficiency. Spanelas in partnership...


Safe working at height

With the word ‘’Fall protection Equipment’’ we mean anything that has to do with safe working at height, such as harnesses, fall arrester systems and connecting elements, horizontal and vertical...

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